Charles Lindburgh, Henry Ford, Charles Coughlin, Francis Parker Yochey and Lyndon LaRouche are all laughing at us while they burn in hell right now and it makes me so mad.

 CW: Doom & Gloom that talks about fascism,hate crimes and political violence.

Yesterday, I saw a twitter post from a supposed leftist with a Russian Federation flag in his profile name claiming that "Lysenko did nothing wrong and that the Holodomor was just anti-communist propaganda."

Similar people are now throwing around the phrase "Patriotic Socialism"

Facebook is now allowing people to openly praise the Azov Battalion.

Wapo just wrote an explainer about Dugin and Eurasianism

MSNBC was playing in the liquor store the other day. Nicole Wallace ended her segment by saying that any news outlet putting out information contrary to MSNBC was "russian disinformation"

Meanwhile, Tucker Carlson is making pointed, (and not wholly incorrect) criticisms of Joe Biden and Jeff Besos on a regular basis.

We have already seen the far left and the far right try to defeat neoliberalism and fail while neoliberalism itself is failing in front of us in real time. We have already seen how our increasingly desperate and ignorant polity embrace reactionary movements which are demonstrably inane and untrue; Trumpism, Qanon, the panic over CRT and transgender student athletes. We have also seen how social media throttles these ideas into the brains of millions at such a pace and severity that it cannot be matched.

I am now fearful of an ascendant illiberal third positionist movement in the United States of America; an ungodly Fordist revanchism that will burn through our society, inflicting massive waves of every type of violence and stripping away whatever genuine liberties people might have been able to hold onto thus far. Dissent will become treason and the marginalized will be sacrificed on the altar of progress. Basically Hitler, but dressed up as Teddy Roosevelt. Francis Parker Yochey's wet dream.

The vast majority of Americans will not have the economic and ideological tools to resist this movement. Nor will they have the will. The increasing frequency of natural disasters, supply chain crises and stochastic mass violence will send them running into this new movement's arms. The country your grandchildren inherit will look more like China, Russia, Turkey, Brazil and Hungary than it will Canada, Australia, Western Europe or Scandanvia.

Until this week, I still had hope that a successful libertarian-socialist project could take place in this country. I believed that though Bernie and the DSA failed in their social-democratic aims, they and the antifascist movement gave us enough of a beachhead to start building dual power in a free and decentralized manner. I'm not sure if that's possible anymore. This movement will have a solid understanding of Leninism and revolutionary leftist history in general. They will inundate any successful anarchist, social democratic or left communist projects with trolls and infiltrators. They will make us an offer we can't refuse. Anyone who tries to hold out will be destroyed by state power and legions of reactionaries.

I'm not going to quit being an anarchist, but goddamn, shit is so bleak right now.


  1. You & the people in your silo are watching the insanity very closely. But there are many, many more people outside of the silo who don't know or care what the Holodomor was but agree with you because they support basic human decency. The people on the crazy right are still the minority even though they make more noise than anyone else. Take a break. Step out of the silo and look at a seed catalog. Do something hopeful & breathe.


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